ファントム オブ キル

by gumi Inc.

Role Playing


Phantom Of Killn Simulation RPG battle that changes in one hand

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◆おかげさまで7周年!◆◆600万ダウンロード突破!◆■片手で楽しめる本格シミュレーションRPGファントム オブ キル(ファンキル)誕生!■伝説の武器の名を持つ謎の少女達と出会い、失われた記憶を探し、共に成長していく物語——一手で戦況が変わる「戦略性×ドラマ」。戦略的シミュレーション要素とストーリを兼ね備えた本格RPG◆巨匠・押井守が監修するオープニングアニメーション◆世界的に有名な押井守氏がオープニングアニメーションを監修!アニメーションの次元を超えた映像表現で描かれる「ファントム オブ キル」の世界観は必見!◆親指ひとつで数多の戦場を駆け抜けろ!◆カンタン操作でじっくり楽しめる、スマホゲーマーが待ち望んだシンプルで気持ち良いタップ&ドラッグ操作を実現!RPGファン必見の遊びやすさと深いゲーム性を両立!◆さまざまなジョブで勝利を導く戦略を立てろ!◆キャラクター×ジョブの組合せで、戦闘能力が大きく変化!さまざまな戦況に合わせて自分だけのチームを編成し、勝利を目指せ!◆武器の相性を見極め「斬る!殴る!撃つ!」◆6種類の武器相性に応じ、攻撃対象を選んで攻撃!倒しにくい強敵も相性が有利な武器を使えば勝利に近づく!◆豪華声優陣による魅力的なキャラクターボイス!◆ ◆豪華声優陣による魅力的なキャラクターボイス!◆浅川悠、阿澄佳奈、雨宮天、五十嵐裕美、池澤春菜、石田彰、伊瀬茉莉也、伊藤静、井上麻里奈、今井麻美、植田佳奈、内田真礼、大久保瑠美、大原さやか、柿原徹也、加藤英美里、茅野愛衣、喜多村英梨、釘宮理恵、小林ゆう、小松史法、小松未可子、近藤孝行、斎藤千和、佐倉綾音、佐藤利奈、瀬戸麻沙美、高垣彩陽、田村ゆかり、茅原実里、豊口めぐみ、名塚佳織、生天目仁美、能登麻美子、花澤香菜、早見沙織、日高里菜、緑川光、村川梨衣、ゆかな 他多数(五十音順)人気声優陣がキャラクターボイスを担当する王道スマホRPG!!■アプリ価格アプリ本体:基本プレイ無料(アイテム課金型)■推奨端末Android 4.1以降、RAM 2GB以上搭載、ストレージ空き容量1.5GB以上のスマートフォン、及びタブレット端末※一部機種に関しては現在推奨バージョン以上でも動かないことがあります。対応機種はこちら https://pk.fg-games.co.jp/faq/#android企画制作:FgG配信:gumiアプリ公式サイト: https://pk.fg-games.co.jp/このアプリケーションには、(株)CRI・ミドルウェアの「CRIWARE(TM)」が使用されています◆ Thanks to you for the 7th anniversary! ◆◆ Over 6 million downloads! ◆ ■ Full-scale simulation RPG Phantom of the Kill (Phantom of the Kill) that can be enjoyed with one hand is born! ■ Meet mysterious girls with legendary weapon names,A story that seeks lost memories and grows together."Strategic x drama" that changes the battle situation with one move.A full-scale RPG that combines strategic simulation elements and stories ◆ Opening animation supervised by master Mamoru Oshii ◆ World-famous Mamoru Oshii supervises the opening animation! Dont miss the world view of "Phantom of the Kill" drawn with video expression that goes beyond the dimensions of animation! ◆ Run through many battlefields with one thumb! ◆ Realize the simple and comfortable tap and drag operation that smartphone gamers have been waiting for, which you can enjoy with easy operation!A must-see for RPG fans, both playability and deep gameplay! ◆ Develop a strategy to lead victory in various jobs! ◆ The combination of character and job greatly changes the fighting ability!Organize your own team according to various battle situations and aim for victory! ◆ Determine the compatibility of the weapon "Slash! Hit! Shoot!" ◆ Select an attack target and attack according to the compatibility of 6 types of weapons!Even strong enemies that are difficult to defeat can approach victory by using weapons that are compatible with each other! ◆ Attractive character voice by gorgeous voice actors! ◆ ◆ Attractive character voice by gorgeous voice actors! ◆Yu Asumi, Kana Asumi, Ten Amemiya, Hiromi Igarashi, Haruna Ikezawa, Akira Ishida, Mariya Ise, Shizuka Ito, Marina Inoue, Asami Imai, Kana Ueda, Maaya Uchida, Rumi Okubo, Sayaka Ohara, Tetsuya Kakihara, Kato Emiri, Ai Chino, Eri Kitamura, Rie Kugimiya, Yu Kobayashi, Fumiho Komatsu, Mikako Komatsu, Takayuki Kondo, Chikazu Saito, Ayane Sakura, Rina Sato, Asami Seto, Ayayo Takagaki, Yukari Tamura, Mari Kayahara , Megumi Toyoguchi, Kaori Nazuka, Hitomi Ikutenme, Mamiko Noto, Kana Hanazawa, Saori Hayami, Rina Hidaka, Hikaru Midorikawa, Rie Murakawa, Yukana and many others (in alphabetical order) A royal road smartphone RPG in which popular voice actors are in charge of character voices !! ■ App priceApp body: Free to play (item charge type)■ Recommended terminalAndroid 4.1 or later, with 2GB or more of RAM, smartphones and tablet devices with 1.5GB or more of free storage space* Some models may not work even if the version is currently recommended or higher.Click here for compatible models https://pk.fg-games.co.jp/faq/#androidPlanning and production: FgGDelivery: gumiApp official website: https://pk.fg-games.co.jp/"CRIWARE (TM)" of CRI Middleware Co., Ltd. is used for this application.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

After the newest update, I purchased lazulis and did not receive them. It looks like I was charged for my purchase. The game is now unplayable because of a connection error after I tried to purchase lazuli.




Having 30 step gacha on Cassius wedding is just ridiculous. Other than that, great game. (1500 laz)

D3ly '

Have played for 5years and still love it

Charles Shidou

Fatal Error after splash, Blackscreen then stopped. Unity3D fatal error on logcat. Samsung Galaxy S7 Exynos, Android Pie.


fun to play and pass the time

kyle riss


Adrian Heng

Great game with excellent character designs. Constantly coming up with new character designs and have fantastic collaborations with hit animes! customer service wise, they do detailed investigations for any problems faced. whole their replies may not be instant, they still do an excellent job in answering and fixing your problem. Great recommendation for new players!


well,I love the experience.


Please make geme f2p friendly

suzuran kk